Top Cats – Illinois Kick-Off Ride
Welcome to our riding season! Juice up your motorcycle, stretch on your gear, re-charge your Bluetooth gizmos, strap on your helmet, do-rag or whatever and get ready. This is the chance to come together and ride the Top Cats – Illinois official 2017 Kick-Off Ride.
We will be doing a full day ride consisting of 254 total miles. We will be riding to a place on the banks of the Mississippi River in Savanah, Il. called the Iron Horse Social Club. Also known as The Iron Horse Saloon this place is oozing with bikerness. An extremely interesting place worthy of your attention filled with motorcycles, biker memorabilia, an immensely beautiful wood bar, t-shirts and characters.
While visiting Savanna, which has the dubious distinction of bearing the only stoplight in all of Carrol County, we will have lunch at Poopy’s, another semi-legendary biker stop or as it says when you google it, “a boisterous biker-friendly bar and grill”.
After a boisterous lunch, we head North out of Savanna, starting with the Scenic Ridge Road . Please be sure you like curvy roads before volunteering to do this as the road is just that as well as scenic too. To find out the rest, you’ll just have to come and see for yourself. Everyone will learn that, on this ride, eventually all roads do lead home.
So come invest in some petroleum, fire up the beast and Roar with your brother and sister Top Cats.
START PLACE: McDonald’s Northwest corner of Hwy 176 and Hwy 14
START TIME: 8:30 am
END PLACE: Hwy 120 and 12
END TIME: 5:00 pm
Contact Mike B at