Week-day Wander on the Rocky Round Barn Ride
July 26th and 27th
This ride will be a lazy Wednesday morning ride to Spring Green to tour the House on the Rock.
We will meet at the Thorton’s at 8:00 am on Wednesday, July 26th. KSU 8:15. (2095 E. Algonquin Rd., Algonquin, Il)
We will wander backroads and stop in Dodgeville for lunch at Bob’s Bitchin’ BBQ before arriving at the House on the Rock at 1pm.
Following the Tour, we will travel a short distance to the Round Barn Lodge to refresh. There will be a short walk to Rumble Seats ~ a hamburger/ Ice Cream stop for dinner.
We will leave in the morning at 8:15 for another leisurely ride home, with a stop at Kegel H.D and the new Jonny Pamcakes Diner before making it home to Algonquin Thorton’s by 3:30 pm on Thursday, July 27th.
Email Mary Kirkpatrick to reserve your spot in the ride and then call the Red Barn Lodge to make your reservation for July 26th. mawalters57@gmail.com
The information for the Round Barn Lodge is:
E4830 US Hwy 14 & 60, Spring Green, WI 53588
$101 for a king or two queens ( 10% discound with AAA / also a military rate available)
$121 for the newly remodeled rooms. ( 10% discound with AAA / also a military rate available)