April 23, 2023 all-day America/Chicago Timezone
BP on 176 at 12 in Wauconda

Join your President for the Top Cats 2023 kick-off ride to a well known brunch location.


We will be heading out for a relaxing ride through country roads, eventually leading us to Crandall’s in Hebron for a fantastic Sunday brunch.


Make sure to bring a wide selection of gear options as on a spring ride like this, we can/will encounter any and all variations of weather conditions, so prepare for them all. Also, this might be the first group ride opportunity for you this year. Please make sure this is not your fist time out on the road this year so you can shake out the cobwebs on your bike and make sure it is in good operating condition in advance of the ride. 


Meeting Place:

BP on 176 at 12 in Wauconda


Meeting time: 9:30a


KSU: 10:00a


Back at starting location around 2p


Questions to Gene (gene.rigsby@gmail.com)