March 26, 2023 @ 8:30 am – 12:00 pm America/Chicago Timezone
Keller Williams
600 Hart Rd., Barrington

G.R.A.S.S. is scheduled for March 26th. A great way to prepare for the riding season is by training to ride safe and safely group ride.  Whether a newcomer or a veteran, our course gives you ways help you ride safe.  Come and learn how we group ride safely.

These are the modules of G.R.A.S.S. that we teach:

G.R.A.S.S. consists of lecture and video presentations within five (5) modules: The 5th module is presented optionally if interest has been communicated for this type of training prior to the event.  

1.              Top Cats Group Riding Protocol – this includes proper hand signals, formations, and parking.  

2.              Riding with a co-rider (passenger) – this module also explains motorcycle club dynamics, adjustments, duties, and responsibilities.

3.              Road Captain Responsibilities – from planning to ride execution and follow-up.

4.              Accident Scene Management – Although we hope we never, ever need to put this into practice, this module starts with the incident and includes necessary skills, requirements, and responsibilities, including hand-off to emergency personnel.

5.              Road Captain Training – (OPTIONAL) a module of instruction for Top Cats Rides, from activity planning to the logistics of the actual ride. It includes instruction in ride day responsibilities and mentoring future Road Captains. 

All riders, co-riders, non-riders are welcome and all motorcyclists from our great motorcycling community are welcome!  Please reach out to your motorcycle friends and everyone else in the motorcycle community and invite them to come!  If we can train other riders to ride more safely, we all benefit

We are presenting at Keller – Williams in Barrington.

Doors are open at 8:30 am, presentation starts at 9:00 and will end at the latest by or before 12:00.