COME ONE, COME ALL….. Hello Top Cats…!!! To celebrate the Top Cats 25th anniversary, you (and significant other) are invited to a picnic at the Rigsby house (aka. the Green House). Plus a little riding to get us ready for lunch and a relaxing afternoon.
Picnic (~1p): Pack your lunch and bring it along on our adventure. Refreshments will be provided along with dessert. We will have plenty of chairs, plates, utensils, etc… and some games to enjoy, as well as a campfire to tell stories by.
The ride: The start time is open at this point as I will arrange the ride based on the folks that RSVP. Here is the plan. I will come and “pick you up” at your house. We will ride off to “pickup” the next Top Cat(s), and so on, until we have all in a group. Then, we will enjoy a meandering ride, until we arrive at our final destination. We will be arriving at the Green House approximately at 1p.
->Please RSVP to me on or before the end day 4/30. The ride details with timing will be sent out shortly after that day.<- __
Looking forward to seeing you there….
Gene “Lucky” Rigsby
Questions??: 847-770-9425