31776 US-12, Volo, IL 60073
Welcome to the 2nd ride in the Who Likes Barbeque Tour for 2022. This ride is on Father’s Day, June 19th and is full of many types of roads including scenic back roads, rustic roads and Wisconsin county highways with major twisty, curvy, hilly features. If you like technically challenging motorcycle roads, this ride is for you.
This ride is also for you if you like barbeque food! This 300-mile round trip ride goes to Bob’s Bitchin’ BBQ for lunch in Dodgeville, Wisconsin. Bobs BBQ has a variety of good barbeque dishes to consume. This ride is similar to “the Meaty Ride” which I did in 2020. But the route will have some very cool differences. One of those differences is rustic roads.
As part of this year’s Rustic Road Tour, this ride will be doing three rustic roads. This ride includes rustic roads #27, 81 and #87. Our 2022 tour goal is to ride a minimum of 10 rustic roads. If you did the Kick Off ride with 6 rustic roads, doing this ride will get you to a total of 9 roads. Rustic Roads #27 and #81 are filled with chills and thrills. Their topographical variety and twisty, curvy, hilly nature combine to be a very technically challenging route for most riders. These roads contain blind hills, blind curves and blind hills with curves too. Some loose gravel is also expected! We all will need to bring our “A” game and ride even extra carefully on these sections that also are too exciting to miss!
We start at the Speedway gas station, located on the Northwestern corner of Highway 12 and Volo Road. The pre-ride briefing is at 7:45 am and Kick Stand’s Up at 8:00 am sharp! Our return time is planned for 5:00 pm to the start point.
R.S.V.P. Mike Bradbury at bradbundy@comcast.net or (847) 702-6613
Ride Date: June 19th
Start Point: Speedway, 31776 US-12, Volo, IL 60073
Pre-Ride Briefing: 7:45 am
Kick Stand’s Up: 8:00 am – SHARP!
Return to Start Point: 5:00 pm